Google released Google Buzz last week. And it is well, all the Buzz. At least with the folks who care about these things.
For I, a search engine optimizing dude, it leaves me a bit numb as I consider buzz as :
a. another social networking platform to worry about.
b. another way for Google to track behavior.
This whole discussion is precluded however by Google's changes over the past month or so.
Personalized Search
Personalized search is when Google feeds you search results based on your past behavior. So that you will get the sites you visit the most as your top results for a search query.
This is goofy to me since I use Google to find new URLS not old.
Well good ole Google has made personalized search the default as opposed to you having to opt in. Now in order to not have personalized search you have to opt out. Most folks are not aware of this.
As stated Buzz comes with privacy issues since you are actually signed into Google Mail to use it. Google has taken some steps to back off of some of their intrusions one of which was a ready made circle of friends.
It will be interesting if folks really accept the Big G as nothing more than a tool for the geekey. For those multi task social broadcasters has already added Google Buzz.
Very interesting. It will be interesting to see if Google can dominate social media like this as well. I think they are too late myself. Facebook and Twitter have already captured this market.
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Posted by: Derrick Kuhn | February 19, 2010 at 09:37 AM
More privacy issues: Here is a short and to the point piece:
Posted by: Coach Tim SEO | February 22, 2010 at 12:19 PM