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March 17, 2010


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Ernest Graham

How to view this private video? Youtube requires an invite first.

Coach Tim SEO

Thanks so much Ernest for alerting me to this. I guess I forgot to make it public...kind of the point. Sorry 'bout that.

Trey Langford

I rank all over for for the longer key word searches, problem is that it is those big key searches that really get the job done. You can catch one fish at at a time if you have the right bait, cast in the right spot at the right time. If you go fishing with a large net, you catch a lot more fish. If you don't have a net, you use a hook but ina competitive world the guy with a net normally wins and more easily.

Account Deleted

No doubt social media has a large influence on SEO. Social media marketing is becoming increasingly standard in online marketing campaigns due to its known ability to build website traffic and inbound links.
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