A cool video of a talk by Dan Kennedy. Some interesting ideas that came from this set of videos. (I have included the first one).
Ever notice how much direct mail you get? Next to nothing anymore right? Kennedy points out that like Infomercials the Internet Mediums are begging to get regulated. The Government is not likely to over regulate mail however, because they own it!
Other ideas I picked up.
Cross Marketing- Often we get stuck in a certain medium. We start blogging and that's what we are bloggers. We get on Twitter and now we are social media zealots. In fact, I like to remind folks that I consult with that as marketers online it would be more apropriate to think of ourselves as publishers.
The idea being to produce information and distribute our information far and wide. A blog is just part of that. Facebook is just one place where our message is sent. So by cross Marketing to many mediums we can increase our sales. Kennedy points out that "People who receive an email and catalog offer buy 61% more." How can you increase your message with direct mail and online methods?
Great Rule Headlines: Can you place a one liner in the newspaper with your headline and a call to action saying call us at 1800-123-4567. Will they call you? If not then scrap the headline and start over.
Rules for Graphics-Will it lead to prospects contacting you? If not scrap it. We are not running an art store.
Offer great guarantees-Offer a great guarantee to eliminate the risk for your prospect to do business with you.
In the end Kennedy reminds the audience that we are all salespeople. Its not in fashion to say that any longer but we are.
Definitely, cross marketing is the way to go. Specially with the potential that FB has in terms of competing with Google (whether or not that will become a reality is a topic for a different debate).
Posted by: maui real estate | August 2, 2010 at 10:02 PM
I agree Facebook is so powerful, but Google..hhhmmmmm...Don't think they could be that big..lol
Posted by: Christopherbledsoe | August 4, 2010 at 08:26 PM
I would listen to and read every single book Dan Kennedy wrote. I love one of his favorite sayings which is: "If you are making money from only one source or direction, then you should not be sleeping well at night."
If you are only using blogging, or social bookmarking sites, or just direct mail even, then you are leaving your buns hanging way out there.
I think if you are creative, you can find loads of marketing vehicles and within those marketing vehicles, you can find different ways of using those vehicles. So, I think a person that plans on using more than one method to market their business has a far greater chance of success at their marketing efforts.
Mark Ellis
Posted by: Expertrealtorweb | August 6, 2010 at 05:02 PM
Cross marketing is the west way to increase your sales
Thanks for sharing informative post.
Posted by: Account Deleted | August 12, 2010 at 10:50 PM