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August 26, 2010


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maui real estate

Wow, great videos. In wanting to rule Google for our local markets, Realtors forget that there is considerably more to it than just hyperlocal content. Mahalo.


Good stuff. I appreciate the ideas and plan on setting some of them into action. I don't want to just rule google for my neighborhood. I want to rule my neighborhood. I use door knocking to drive traffic to my hyper local section of my website. My plan is to talk to everyone about my website and let them know personally that I am the source for everything pertaining to real estate in this neighborhood. In addition to the real estate section, I already completed 2 video interviews of local business owners. My next plan is to interview every business, school and vendor in the area.

I just hit the subscribe button and I really appreciate your passion about the subject.


Good stuff. I pride myself on being cutting edge when it comes to marketing but I have to say..... you mentioned a few things I haven't done but need to do. I'm going to make sure to start them Monday.

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