Why Isn't Your Real Estate Website Getting Leads Anymore?
Getting traffic is great, but worthless if you don't get leads. So I offer you 4 reasons why you are not getting the leads you are used to getting.
Economic-The economy has made viewers picky and less apt to commit to a registration.
Distraction-The social media. Facebook, Twitter, et al. More and more people are spending their free time finding conversations and links at sites like Facebook.
Commodity-The dilution of control of listings inventory. Sites like Trulia, Zillow, and other classified websites have taken over the web. The listings inventory has gone from a Realtor controlled event, to an easily accessed commodity on the web.The only way to decommoditize your business is to let the world know YOU. Not hiding behind a banner. But you.
What are you about and how does that help your prospective client? Most of the way hyperlocality is taught is wrong. Hyperlocality is about your marketplace and how it relates to the local resident's concerns and desires for their home life and the area surrounding it. Bring your world to your website. Be an advocate for your market.
You need to explore and demonstrate your Unique Selling Proposition. Not just saying it. But demonstrating it through your publishing of blog posts, articles, social interaction and posts, etc.
What is your most wanted action on your publishing? What do you want them to do?
Other Focuses-What other content can you feed into your web site? APIs, Feeds, Widgets can bring in targeted content that your MLS/IDX does not provide. Your brokerage needs to collaberate and publish as a team. Look at Trulia. It has a clasified listings site that has evolved to include market data as well as market FAQ's, and blogs. All provided by the Realtor community. As they and other similar Vortals dominate your city searches in the engines. And you haven't even received a thank you note.
Explore the conversation going on in your prospects mind and enter it. Go after General but also Specific keywords to attract buyers and sellers.Today, the market in most geographies in the country is distressed. The distressed homeseller is looking up phrases like, "how to avoid foreclosure", "Il foreclosure laws", "Loan modification in Peoria, Il", etc.
Find out More About Publishing Techniques
I have found that more and more buyers are coming to us through free resource sites such as Zillow and Trulia, while less are registering on my company site www.myweicherthomesearch.com . I think buyers want to know there is credibility before they register and give their information.
Posted by: Ralph Nudi | November 9, 2011 at 12:27 PM
Ralph, thanks for the post. Yes I agree lots of traffic are coming from alternative sites. And, social proof is huge. And good or bad, these big boys are gaining more brand awareness than entrenched long time companies like yours. Another reason for many proof elements to assure that you are credible when someone reaches your site. Social badges (likes Google PlusOne), active commentary, testimonials, awards, reviews in review sites and onsite, can all add to more captures at the point of your website.
Tim O'Keefe
Posted by: Coach Tim SEO | November 9, 2011 at 03:56 PM
Although Trulia and Zillow provide more choices than an individual agent web site can, listing accuracy is a major concern.
Posted by: Mona Koussa | November 27, 2011 at 10:24 AM
Thanks Mona-
I wrote about Zillow and Trulia lots back in the day. Even prompting a phopne conversation with the CEO of Trulia because of his concern of my criticism.
Some of the old but still poignant posts:
On Zillow.com http://www.houseblogger.com/houseblogger/2006/02/on_zillowcom.html
Zillow Overdose http://www.houseblogger.com/houseblogger/2006/02/zillow_overdose.html
MLS .Trulia http://www.houseblogger.com/houseblogger/2008/06/mlstruliacom.html
How to Compete With Trulia and Homegain http://www.houseblogger.com/houseblogger/2008/01/tele.html
Posted by: Coach Tim SEO | November 27, 2011 at 02:28 PM
K, I think that SEO and real estate marketing is important, but does anybody think on the client? Let's see, from my point of view, client is the most important, the satisfaction of a great sale. So, I think that, we need to count with marketing and SEO's help, while we are helping the client to find our best product. For example, I'm living in Battery Park city, and that's all because of the help of a wonderful Real Estate company. A company probably using marketing, but care about the customers.
Posted by: Comind Work | April 12, 2012 at 02:03 PM