Image by DonkeyHotey
This guy wikileaked your website business.
What does Wiki Leaks Adrianne Assange and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg have in common? Zuckerberg is Time Man of the year. Him and Assange have owned the news of late. They are everywhere. Mark is on Time Magazine, while Assange is making us rethink the first ammendment.
For awhile, many privacy experts worried about Google's intrusions into our daily lives. Much of the free goodies that Google has handed out to us is known by insiders in the SEO industry as spyware. Now Facebook and to a lesser degree other social sites with your profile are leaking data about you. Your reputation is at risk.
The Naked Guru
Look, right now there is a plethora of self proclaimed social media gurus going around the Country and the net selling a philosophy of what we used to call spam. Just posting your wares is not social and not interesting.
I have learned something in my short life. That what one says and what one does may not always match. Online we are able to discover ones actions quite easily to determine any hypocrisy vs how real a brand behaves.
A good sales pitch using fuzzy logic can obfuscate the truth of a product or service.The pitch makes claims based on a foundation that is shaky at best. Ask the guru. Better yet, check out the guru online. What are they doing to market themselves?
I noticed this long ago as vendors pitched blogging or SEO. And yet did a very poor job of blogging or SEOing their own services. Or did opposite of what they were selling. Many putting their clients at risk.
Truth Alert Making money today is a bitch!
Technology is moving at record speeds. Implementation of your processes (assuming you have processes) is critical not just for massive success but for survival. Online has never been a simple build it and they will come. (Well actually that isn't true as someone with a little cash and a little brains could make a fortune 3 or 4 years ago).
Now the world is whizzing by and for many. They still cannot publish a lick.
Want to know the number one secret for publishing online?
Again more to come on that one on another post. Think Lady GaGa for a hint.
The era of plug n play is dead. The ability to duplicate your digital billboard is too easy. With a little cash and gumption you can take anyone down. Even a Country's hallowed dirty secrets.
The Reputation Economy
Your Reputation is the new Online Currency. If you have followed my SEO advice at all you know that links have always been the currency of getting ranked. They still are. And if you think about it. The reason links are so important is that they are in essence a measure of a sites reputation.
And getting ranked high in a search engine like Google would eventually equate to cash. But there is a new currency fighting for the marketplaces attention.
Now with social media. Reputation is earned with not just links, but the currency of Likes and Reviews. It may in some cases help with ranking. But in new ways.
I will go over some tactics in future posts but suffice it to say your reputation matters online. And to that extent if you do not publish you will not have a reputation. And you will not matter to the market.
By the way get used to asking for testimonials and reviews on minimally Google Places, Facebook Fan/Places, and Yelp. And if you would be so kind as to press like button just below this post :-).