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January 17, 2011


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Very cool article. You have basically taken the "national enquirer" approach to marketing, developed in the 1960s, and customized it to be applicable to social media. Neat. I am a huge fan of this idea. I do have a question that is not totally related but I am still curious. We are considering opening up an Facebook iframe app that allows customizable real estate branding concepts. We have found some decent samples, but need more ideas. Has this been done yet? What is the perceived or real efficacy of this approach? Here is an example of what we mean


Coach Tim SEO

Fan page customization of course is not new, but I like the polling on yours.
Branding concepts? I think the best approach to the fanpage is a direct response capture. Ethically bribe the visitor to like the page or give up info for a download of perceived value. Which of course is good value but also proves the brand as valuable to the reader.

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