I learned long ago that do what great people do, and that you can achieve that same success. Model their actions to get what they got. Unfortunately, most successful people cannot tell you why they are successful.
Some simply lack that ability. Some are too secretive for fear of loss of advantage. Pete Carroll is not such an individual. He has shared his success secret. And he says the right things. It is because of his beliefs. His philosophy. (See belo)w
Look at many great business icons in our society and many terrific actors. And their personal lives leave trails of despair that paints a telling warning. They simply put hard work and razor sharp focus into their work. And in fact are married to their business. Soon to be, if not already divorced from their relationships that matter.
The fuel that will drive your business, your goals, your marriage and your life are your values. Your vision or as Pete Carroll call it your philosophy. Your strategy and tactics should flow from your values in this day of transparency running a business with integrity is more important than ever. Interestingly Carroll is one of the first NCAA Coaches to embrace the social media.
Thanks I'm Using all this in my Strategies
Posted by: Account Deleted | January 11, 2011 at 04:59 AM