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February 21, 2011


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Account Deleted

I was really interested in seeing if a fanpage can rank, and I see they do, from your video. However, do you think a fan page would rank better than a squidoo page, or hubpage?

Please let me know.


Coach Tim SEO

Alex yes I think it would although I have not tested it.
One reason is that the content tends by nature to be more useful and active so I would assume Google would give it more weight. But that is just a guess on my part.

Account Deleted

Yeah, that's what I "assume" too, but I've never seen a facebook ranking in my searches... that's why I was asking about it. There're fanpages about generic niches (such as bir watching and whatnot) and I don't see them ranking... Now I was curious if there was some sort of testing done on a more targeted keyword and see how the fanpage would rank.


Coach Tim SEO

I dont see hub or sqidoos either. Except for long tailey keywords.

Account Deleted

That's true in most cases, altho I've seen a few ranking for pretty good keywords. Now, I just home facebook will help us improve on on site SEO for the fanpages.

By the way: have you tried any off site SEO for fanpages (linkbuilding, etc)?

Coach Tim SEO

I wouldn't spend lots of money on "real estate" that I don't control like Facebook. Might as well build up your own site. At best these things are long tail plays. Major link muscle needs to go into your site. The reason these things do get found and we like to use them is their natural linking that happens on their own. Sometimes you might give it a little help. But FB ranks because of its own internal linking (friends).

Milan Cole

It's an interesting experiment that you've demonstrated, but it seems like a safer bet to pursue our own web media to have greater control over as you say.

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