Image via CrunchBase
Of late you will notice this blog writing about Reality TV as well as A list stars like Charlie Sheen.
These stories are really about getting rejected faster so that you can get to a yes.
The reason written these is so that you get that we live in a new reality. Most of your public. Your marketplace has the attention span of viewers of a Kim Kardashian TV spot.
It used to be said that the USA Today was written to the level of a grade schooler. At some level wouldn't you agree so is our entertainment?
Reality TV Nation and Secret of a Social Media Guru
We are with all our internet toys, all our gadgets, all our so called sophistication and it seems we are worse at communicating than ever. We get thousands of messages slammed onto our world daily. And I still see young couples on dates answering texts and cell phones. Most sophisticated thing I have seen of late is sitting down at a business meeting and the owner of a huge transportation company telling everyone to turn off their cell phones. Thats leadership.
I recently wrote that if you want to know the secret to a marketers success. Watch what he does, not so much what he says. Check out the style.
Humans like shiny objects. On the net we only get a few seconds to keep a prospects attention. Gary V throws an F bomb a minute as he pontificates in his oh so cool Gen X oratory stylings. Seth Godin sounds big time smart and cool at the same time.Tim Ferris uses all the cool tools, living how he want, on his own terms. So new generation.
That is provocative, that is style, that is persona that a public wants. Their public. There are others that think they are full of hooey.
They are modern day rockstars in an age where the closest we get to a rockstar is American Idol, a Tribute Band, or when the Stones go on their thirtieth retirement tour.
The Charlie Ultimatum
If you think Charlie Sheen has been "winning" media attention these past few weeks, you'd be right.(Reuters)
Charlie Sheen is dominating the internet. Like it or not. He has taken over the net and social media. He gets it. He may be stark raving mad. He may be tweeking. But he is talking directly to the people who matter. The fans.
Like Lady Gaga, Like Kim Kardashian, you either hate this multi million dollar man or you don't don't. Polarization works. The execs from CBS are at a severe disadvantage. Charlie has fans. They don't. He is putting on a show. After all. This is show business.
Charlies SEO
The point in all of this is that Charlie's SEO is about as organic and real as it gets. In fact, that is what social media can be. The links to Charlie comes naturally. His persona spreads virally. In many ways he is painting out a reputation management campaign.Despite how crazy he seems.
This is where SEO and social mesh. Videos go viral. Words go viral.
Can we look at some of the numbers. And these are a bit old from HitWise:
Paul JJ Payack, president and chief word analyst for the Global Language Monitor:
Payack used an algorithm to analyze the top 20 persons (or things) of interest on blogs, Internet-only news sites and social media sites like Twitter and YouTube between January 1 and March 8, 2011. Sheen was first, followed by Apple's iPad, Lady Gaga, Obama and Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin.
Some promoters get the promotional value of Sheen. Concert promoters Live Nation has agreed a merchandising and licensing contract with Sheen.
So what does all of this teach us? Be a nut? No. Be out there. Be visible. Be provocative. Be out there and use whats available to spread your company meme. In the marketplace you must be rejected by some so others accept you.
Some are just more willing to get more rejections faster than others.
