Is entertainment marketing?
Is marketing entertainment?
For most of my clients the answer is a resounding no/yes.
We need something a little faster. We need a phone call, an optin.
A buying compulsion if you will. And paying for something that will not payoff for perhaps years is not in the cards.
We are just now coming off the buzz of the Super Bowl. If you didn't watch it stay with me and may I congratulate you for being unique. Many people watch for the commercials. Which is kind of like reading Playboy for the articles or perhaps more apropriately akin to reading if for the ads. Indeed the Superbowl is a huge day for our economy.
113.92 million people from around the globe witnessed the Ravens pull out a bizarre win. I mean the lights went out mid game. Did Beyonce sing or lip synch again? Alicia Keys played the Star Spangled Banner. And well, she was Alicia Keys. (One of my faves)A Super Bowl brings in huge revenues into the city where it is played and where it is watched on TV.
One of the most talked about subjects year in and year out is "which were your favorite commercials?". The GoDaddy commercial was grossing me out. The Ford Truck was heart moving, while the Joe Montana Tide figure was hilarious.
If you watched them then you definitely got a reaction, and they worked in the sense I am talking about them to you. And perhaps you have already done the same. But did you go out and by a Ram Truck? Could you even remember that the cool farm commercial was a Ram truck? Or was it? Until this article I thought the Tide commercial was Doritos.
So I ask you did they work? And more importantly would something similar work for you?
So more than likely you do not have the marketing risk capital to hire a top model like Bar Rafaili and a nerd and the 4mil it cost to run the clip for 30 seconds. And the question that begs asking is why? This has got to be the grossest ad ever. Some are calling it sexist. They should also call it it anti nerd.
Being too funny risks cheapening your service into a clownish caricature of your real Unique Selling Proposition. However, it could be your greatest marketing opportunity currently.
It is where your off line marketing of TV, Direct Mail, and Direct Ads, can mesh with Online Offers,Social Games and Posts.
During the blackout Oreo Cookies posted this graphic to Twitter with surprising speed.
Did it work? Well the fact that Oreo's agency were able to do it so quickly got them the buzz. But did cookie sales jump amongst the Tweet heads set?
I am skeptical but it is possible. Not sure we will ever know.
Which should be a problem with you. Not being able to measure the efficacy of the Twitter move makes it just a cute entertainment piece. Made to be clever. Not necessarily to sell.
A simple coupon or offer would have allowed them to measure its usefulness.
With couponing, deals and games so available offline and on. So is your business in the game?
By the way You Tube wants your vote on the best Ad :
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