A new Year brings new hope. As entrepreneurs we must have a hope for a better year backed up by targets and a solid plan. So I offer you a curated mash of good predictions and setting goals and resolutions for the New Year.
Jim Cramer
Warren Buffett, Tony Robbins, Sarah Blakely CEO Spanx
When asked about economic uncertainty, Sarah says as "an entrepreneur, I can only be certain of myself and my team".
They say goals are intentions. The challenge is that we can be easily thrown off focus. The best of intentions on New Years day are easily distracted. Best to find a method to focus to stay on course. As distractions happen almost the minute after you set your intention. Bad language and shock alert.
"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions.."
Warren Buffett
"Taking jobs to build up your resume is the same as saving up sex for old age"
Ted Talk : How to be inspired by your work. Find work you cannot, not do. How to find out what you want and are passionate about:
I recently posted about goals in Facebook.com/tim.okeefe
Funny thing about the holidays. Good will to all, church and honesty and all that. Then we turn around and make resolutions that are potentially devastating to our own ecology. Why? Because these are promises that just might soon be broken if not extremely careful. The sad indictment on us humanoids. If one declares that they do not lie are the ones to run from. When making resolutions it is hard to run from ourselves. So make your promises to self carefully. Nothing worse than not trusting oneself.
Dan Ariely writes about how we all lie to ourselves and others way more than we think.
"Ultimately this sunny author believes that most people mean to behave honestly unless they are allowed to feel that minor cheating is justified. ... He suggests that honor codes and supervision help decrease dishonesty. But they aren’t much of a match for the rationalization, self-deception, fatigue and slippery ethics that Mr. Ariely links to the lying game."
Ever resolve to lose weight and the next day notice that new White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks just calling your name? Yah I know, just this once, whats another 340 calories and 43 sugary carbs..What does it matter to blow your insulin out of the stratosphere, just this one more time?
Make your Goals/Intentions/Targets/Resolutions Stick
- Focus on One Resolution
- Get Someone to Hold You Accountable
- Set Ultra-Specific Goals
- Piggyback Your Resolution with Existing Habits
- Give Yourself a Trial Run
- Trick Your Mind
- Visualize the End Result
- Closely Measure Your Progress
Jonathan Altfeld wrote a measurement plan on how he measured his "weigh" down by 70 + pounds. His explanation and methodology is fascinating and obviously life changing. A 5-Step Process for Turning Resolutions Into Successfully Achieved Outcomes. Think what could happen if you try this in your business. - Remind Yourself of Your Goals Every Day
- Start Right Now This list from http://lifehacker.com/5971803/top-10-strategies-for-making-your-new-years-resolution-stick
Kevin Hogan wrote a number of terrific posts on resolutions on his Facebook page.
Jim Rohn another mentor to Tony Robbins said you are the average of who you hang out with. Will you put this dynamic to work on purpose? These days you can go on social media and befirend or network with power players in whatever field or endeavor you want. As they teach in NLP, you can model the greats and get on a faster learning curve than what it usually takes.
And finally on Resolutions from Richard Bandler Bandler who taught Tony Robbins and Jonathan Altfeld NLP. He founded Neuro Linguistic Programming. In the video he says,
"there's two kinds of changes that people make with new year's resolutions one day they decide not to do something and the other one is they decide to do something and I think those are pretty different."
Well the secret to goal achievement is pretty simple right? Want to lose weight? Eat less! Drink more!... Water silly. Make more money? Sell more products or services.
And finally Richard tells us when you find out that one of your actions is working then to keep doing it!
Use SMART Goals:
A S.M.A.R.T. goal is defined as one that is specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time- bound. Below is a definition of each of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria. Specific: Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do.