Penguin-fighter (Photo credit: Wikipedia) There are a couple easy fixes that you can do to help you if your site has been bit by the Penguin. And I am guilty too, so if you look at this site, I repeat a bunch of words in...
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Google and Facebook are tracking us so that they can produce better ads. Ironically, all this work, all this web space and technology is really about building a media empire .
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Check out my Traffic Domination Plan for 2012
I announced the war with Google and Facebook over a year ago.
Did SEO Just Die
Since then many have said that yes SEO is dead. As Google has changed time and time again. Over the next few weeks I will be chronicling some of these deep changes that are effecting your website and your social graph right now. Here are some of the changes and issues we all must face.
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Image via Wikipedia About a year ago I asked this question. Does Facebook help your SEO? Since then Google and Bing have made some changes. It is well worth a read as it delves into the importance of links in ranking power. Today, links can...
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Image via Wikipedia On flawed SEO logic: remembering simple scientific method helps. So if variables are not isolated it is quite difficult to make an authoritative declaration of causality. Only experience can be declared.Similar to believing that just because there are firetrucks at a fire...
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Image via CrunchBase Have you heard the Dr. Phil and Oprah line,"If you love yourself others will love you." There are many websites out there that are self loathing. Well Google will love your site only when you love your site. How does Google know...
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Because you paid them for a listing in a directory. Because you are a member of a trade organization. Because people are discussing your products or services (Set up Google Alerts on your brand names. This is good reputation amnagement practices anyway). Because you are...
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