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February 12, 2008


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Jacksonville Florida Realtor

These are very interesting stats.

I am curious about the 26% that regularly or occasionally blog.

How much time do they spend blogging? How long does it take to write a well written post?

I just don't see how some of the top bloggers have a day job and write such insightful post at the same time.

Bill Arce

Wow! So, only 20% of Latinos/Hispanics is blogging.

I just stating blogging not to long ago and I did notice that "lack" of Latino real estate professional utilizing this tool.

For example in AR there is few groups, but not very active or at least compare with other non-Latinos groups.

In WN I think the activity is even less. Therefore, I cannot help wondering if there is a Latino real estate Social Network representing mainly Latino issues, are Latinos going to be more proactive.

Hope you know the answer.

Bill Arce

Tim O'Keefe

Thanks. As a marketer I would not worry about hanging out with other Realtors that share ethnicity. I would spend time finding where your target ethnicity hangs out.

Toby Barnett

Pretty equal in the political relm with no one side blogging more than others. Interesting stats.

Brian Columbus

Great stats! This is the first time I've seen anyone break down the blog channel so well.

Hopkinton MA Real Estate

Interesting statistics. I suspect these numbers will change dramatically over the next few years as blogging becomes a viable form of aquiring new business.

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